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Before I get into the details of this post, I should introduce you to the three main characters of the story.

First, Sister kasonde, a teacher at my old high school. Second, Mr. Daisy, the head of the maintenance department and third his old, beat up, pick up lol. Btw that is not a picture of his car, it's just there to give an idea of how messed up his car was.

Sister once told me that a girl is like a brand new car. With every relationship, she gets a dent. You could still drive the car, but the dent will always be there. She ended the story by saying, "some of you might look like Mr. Daisy's car by the time you settle down."

I shrugged this off when I first heard, mainly becaus I believe in experincing life. To me one can't know what they really like or don't like unless they actually try things out, but latey her words have been ringing in my head.

I definately still believe in experince, I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't go through what I went through. That being said, I also do not believe that anyone deserves a beat up old car.

I guess what I am trying to say is, learn all the things that life has to teach you and use them to create the best version of you. In keeping to our car metaphor, pimp your ride before getting a new owner.

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