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Before I get into the details of how this happened, let me start by saying;

1) it didn't happen in a day,

2)I am not saying this is the right way nor am I saying its the way only way to lose weight, it is simply the way I did it and I thank God it worked for me,

3)not everything I write is a medical fact. Some of these things are opinion and are based on the fact that they worked for me.

My weight loss journey was very long and is made up of many components, so to keep this blog organsided, I will write in point form. I hope to keep you engaged all the way to the end (this will be long lol).


well it all the starts the same, I didn't like the way I looked so I decided to do something about it. My start was very rocky, no matter what I did there was no change. It was only when I realised I was doing everything wrong that things started to move.

The first thing I had to do was love myself, you might be thinking "we've heard that before, blah blah blah," but believe me its true. Loving yourself enough to be healthier pushes you furter than self loathing ( in my opinon).


It took me a long time to figure out which work out worked for me. I honestly believe that because each person has different body goals or trouble areas, they will need to do enough resarch and try diffrerent things to come up with what works for them.

I found help in shape magazine ( ), this mag has everything you'll need from workouts to nutritional tips. My other source was dance work out videos by the queen of superheroes keaira lashae ( ). You might be thinking dance videos are weak but trust me they help especially if you are just starting out. What I love most about these is the level of control you have, you decide how often and intensely you do the workouts.

Remember that this is only a guide,as you go alone you will be able to design a work out that's best for you.

lastly simple things like talking walks, using the stairs and generally being active also helps.


I don't believe working out should be a punishment that is done everyday. I think going hard three /four days then resting the rest of the week is ok. I also feel taking a week off is ok, the body needs to rest, besides I'm sure you have other things to do.


what to eat? how much to eat? when to eat?

diet for me was hard to figure out. On one hand some articles said "eat three big meals," on the other they said "eat five small meals." as a foodie . . . i took away the comon denominator "EAT."

I don't believe food is evil, so I eat everything. It's not what I eat but about much of it I eat, how frequently I eat it and how I prepair it.

I am not saying ignore all nutritional value, it is very important to know which foods do what. I'm just sayig don't punish yourself. It's about displine, finding balance and a cheat day lol.

NT- cheat day is a day you eat whatever you want.

On a more serious note, try brown bread, boiling your food, reduce cooking oil, stay away from sugar and cardonated drinks, reduce on alcohol, drink water.

late night snacks are a no, eating out should be once in awhile and snacks (junk food) are the devil.

lastly eat breakfast like a king.


the rate at which your body digests food does affect weight loss. some people are lucky and food runs right though them, others like me need help. I did all the nutrional things that i could do to help my condition but they had little effect. I then turned to the cleanse tea for help, I am so grateful it worked. For other who have more serious issues, I advice you see your doctor.

there are many brands of tea out there so i suggest you ask your phamasist which is the best. For me this has been the best


it never ends lol.

Fittness is a lifestyle, it is something you keep working towards and keep changing. The rewards of this lifestyle are so more than the number on the scale reducing. The quality of life that one gains is priceless and completely worth it.

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